Dani Sharpe

Dani Sharpe

Dani is a bright, ambitious woman in her twenties who has had occasion to meet both Jason Rusch and Firestorm.

Dani was an employee of the S.T.A.R. labs Detroit branch before it shut down. She had some managerial duties there, but also demonstrated skills and ambition well beyond the norm by reengineering the entire facility. When the news that the branch was closing reached her, she sought out a new job rather than find herself unemployed. She soon found a position with LexCorp Research in Metropolis. On her last day at S.T.A.R., one of her last duties was the orientation of Jason Rusch on the first day of his summer job.

After about a year had passed, Dani once more crossed paths with Jason. Dani was acting as a liason to the military, to whom LexCorp was trying to sell a new type of tactical nuclear weapon. During a demonstration in the Nevada desert, the weapon malfunctioned and created a much larger explosion than expected. While the military personnel around her panicked, Dani remained calm. She had arranged to have Firestorm present for the test, and he managed to prevent a disaster.

During their interactions, it was apparent that Dani knew quite a bit about Firestorm and his capabilities. As it turns out, she also knew that Jason was the man behind Firestorm, although how she knows this has not been revealed. While she has a working relationship with Firestorm for the moment, it's unclear whether she's with him or against him.

Character Milestones
First Appearance: Firestorm vol. 3 #14
Shown to know Firestorm's identity: Firestorm vol. 3 #23

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