Dr. Kennedy

Dr. Kennedy

Dr. Kennedy is the director of the Detroit branch of S.T.A.R. labs. Hers is the difficult task of maintaining some order in the lab during the months leading up to the lab's closure due to its projects being moved to India. Dr. Kennedy is a gifted administrator who manages to contol the tempers and egos of the scientists working for her.

Through Jason's San Diego S.T.A.R. labs contacts, he found work at the Detroit branch. Dr. Kennedy assigned him to help with paperwork. She watches over Jason and serves as both protector and sympathetic ear as Jason deals with the abrasive personalities of his co-workers. In time, Jason comes to realize that Dr. Kennedy reminds him of his mother.

With Dr. Otaki's help, Jason realized that he could use Dr. Kennedy's expertise to defeat The Pionic Man. Jason merged with Dr. Kennedy. Drawing on her knowledge of pions, she offered several ideas to defeat their enemy, one of which paid off. After their merge ended, Dr. Kennedy forgot the experience but there seems to be some indication that she is beginning to connect the dots between Jason and Firestorm.

Character Milestones
First Appearance: Firestorm vol. 3 #14
Merges with Firestorm to help defeat The Pionic Man vol. 3 #16

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