

When Jason was kidnapped by the Secret Society of Supervillains, he found himself trapped in a containment field with a metahuman girl that he had never seen before. Later freed, Jason soon came to realize that she was being used as he was. He also quickly discovered that she was no normal girl.

The girl, who introduced herself as Gehenna (pronounced Juh-HEN-uh), was child-like in many ways. She constantly referred to Jason as her "boyfriend" and giggled at trivial things. It seems that she has been living in isolation with her father, whom she claims predicted that she would meet Firestorm. Her father, she said, knew more about Firestorm than anyone. The identity of her father is the matter of widespread speculation. In any case, her father kept her isolated and indoors. When she and Jason escaped the Society's facility, she was startled to feel wind on her face for the first time in memory.

However you might describe Gehenna, one thing is clear - she caught Jason's attention. There were some sparks between the two of them almost immediately.

Just as Jason was getting ready to leave earth to accompany Donna Troy on her mission to space, Gehenna appeared and asked for help with her father, who was acting strangely. During this conversation, Gehenna revealed that she is only five years old. When Jason decided that his mission with Donna took priority, Gehenna was dejected and left.

Nevertheless, Jason and Gehenna grew closer after his return from space. Their relationship turned romantic and she decided to move into an apartment near Jason's in New York City. Their relationship remained troubled by her jealousy of the time Jason spent with Lorraine Reilly and fellow students.

She was also troubled that Jason put so much effort into locating the kidnapped Martin Stein when he had promised to help her find her father.

Because Firestorm was weakened, Gehenna accompanied Jason and Lorraine when they discovered where Martin was being held by The Pupil. When both Jason and Lorraine were captured, she managed to free Lorraine before being captured herself. Jason was forced to make the choice to revive a dying Martin rather than protect Gehenna. Interestingly, The Pupil knew of her and implied that his secret partner would not be pleased if he harmed her. Still, he couldn't resist learning more about her so he stuck a probe in her cheek, causing her great pain. Firestorm was eventually able to save her, but this latest incident of his choosing to help someone else first was too much for her and she left. It remains to be seen if she is gone for good, but there are some indications that she and Firestorm will cross paths again.

Gehenna is capable of teleporting herself. She also discovered that she is able to teleport other people, such as she did to Jason. She appears to be capable of telepathy, as she was able to speak to Jason's mind two times.

Gehenna's name is unusual. When Jason asked a S.T.A.R. labs employee what the word means, he was told that it mean "hell" or "hidden". Given what we've seen of her, the latter seems more appropriate.

Character Milestones
First Appearance: Villains United #5
Meets Jason: Firestorm vol. 3 #17
Asks for Jason's help with her father: Firestorm vol. 3 #19
Leaves Jason: Firestorm vol. 3 #27

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